Kitty-Rampage's Hall of Research and Fury 9!!!
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Rampage Comic Book Appearances

The Photo Lab 1

The Photo Lab 2

The Photo Lab 3

The Photo Lab 4

The Photo Lab 5

The Photo Lab 6

The Photo Lab 7

The Photo Lab 8

The Photo Lab 9

The Photo Lab 10

The Rampage Fan Art Section

S.T.A.R. Guest Book


Fonz, way to go on another update! Maybe I'll spare your life afterall! ; )

Seems like the great Staman is hurt. Heheh...see ladies, he is so gullable!

My story of how Parasite harnessed my Rampage powers for his own evil biddings...grrrrrr!

NO! Reverted back to Kitty again...phew...thank you Starman for saving my secret and my life. He's such a doll. *sighs happily*!